CLIMATE-SMART AGRICULTURE (CSA) Poor adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in south asia: nature climate change journal CSA is a set of agricultural practices and technologies which aims to boosts productivity (E.g. precision farming, smart crops etc.) enhances resilence (E.g. zero budget natural farming , agroforestry etc.) and reduces greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions (E.g. zero tillage , permaculture , organic farming etc.) Reasons for low adoption: Weak organisational capacities : lack of access to extension services, limited integration to rural markets etc. inadequate targeted incentives : less incentives is given to CSA techniques in comparison to chemical fertilisers, pesticides etc. limited post- adoption follow-up -: less priority is given to evaluation and monitoring of the CSA technique. inequities in information dissemination: farmers with more wealth and greater social networks are often prioritised for CSA demonstrations and provisioning. ...