INDIA'S CHANGING MONSOON PATTERNS source vision-ias 'Decoding india's changing monsoon patterns: A tehsil level assessment '' report released by CEEW The report by council on energy, environment and water (CEEW) analyses meteorological data from 1982 to 2022, recorded by india meteorological department. Key findings:- climate change projections indicate a 10-14% surge in southwest monsoon rainfall in india by the end of the 21 st century. trends over past decade (2012-22): southwest monsoon more than half tehsil experienced a rise in frequency of heavy rainfall, partcularly in high GDP states like maharashtra, tamil nadu, gujarat, and karnataka. indo -gangetic plains and northeast reported an increase in dry days. Northeast monsoon:- there were no significant changes in the frequency and intensity of very heavy rainfall events, dry days,or moderate rainfall days. Recommendations:- to enhance resilience against shifting monsoon patterns prioritize localised d...