Jashpur Samri Pat
It is located in the northeastern frontier part of Chhattisgarh. It is an extension of the Chota Nagpur Plateau. Its landform is like a PAT. That is, the plateau situated here is flat on its top and has a steep gradient like stair on the side.
The area of this natural reg is 6208 square kilometres, which is 4.59 percent of the total area of Chhattisgarh.
On this basis, it is the smallest natural state of Chhattisgarh.
Various pat is found in this party area, such as - Mainpat, Jarangpat, Samari Pat and Jashpur Pat, etc.
The average elevation of the mainpat area is 1152 meters and the Mand River originates from here. This river joins the Mahanadi near Chandrapur in the Raigad district.
Mainpat is inhabited by Tibetans in exile, hence it is also called Shimla of Chhattisgarh.
Similarly, Samari Pat is the smallest and highest party in this pat. It has an average elevation of 700 to 1200 meters. The highest peak of Chhattisgarh in this state is Gaur Lata, which has a height of 1225 meters.
Jashpur Pate is the largest PAT region in the region. Rainfall is also excessive in this region. (About 172 cm)
Jashpur Samri Pat is mainly inhabited by the Oraon tribe. The language of this tribe is Kudukh. The youth club found in this tribe is called Dhumkuriya. In Dhumkuria, young men and young women learn the rites and beliefs prevalent in their tribe.
The main festival of this tribe is Sarhul which is celebrated on the full moon of Chaitra month.
Drainage System
There are three drainage systems in this natural region. Mahanadi drainage system, Ganges drainage system, and Brahmani river system. The major river under the Mahanadi river system is Mand and Ib river; Kanhar is the main river of the Ganges drainage system.
bauxite is obtained in this region. The bauxite mines are located in Mainpat, Jarang Pat, Pandra Pat, etc.
Chhattisgarh has the highest average rainfall in the state. In the winter, snow also accumulates at some places in Mainpat.
Laterite soil with red-yellow soil is also found in this region.
Paddy is the main crop of the region. Along with this, tea, strawberry, litchi etc. are also cultivated here. Ludeng is called the tomato capital of Chhattisgarh. Tomatoes are cultivated here in plenty.