Recently, Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide. This news soon made a mark on social media along with print and electronic media. Sushant Singh Rajput was a famous young actor and made a place in Bollywood through his talent and struggle without any film background. He was a role model for many youngsters.
Such suicides have once again brought the headlines of rising suicide incidents in India.
What do the figures say?
According to the report of the National Health Profile, in the years 2000 to 2015 is India's proportionate contribution to the deaths from suicides increasing. There is a figure manifestation of the epidemic. This has been revealed in a sample survey done at the national level, which was finally placed in the committee decided on 31 March 2018. It has been estimated that the suicide rate has increased by 95 percent.
The average of suicides at the age of 15–29 is three times the average of total suicides in the country. Due to this, the highest number of suicide cases are found among the youth of India as compared to the whole world.
There are more cases of suicide among educated and affluent people.
In a rich country like Japan, the number of suicides per lakh people is the highest at 20. After this comes Switzerland's number. In India, it is 11 per lakh persons. The number of suicides in rich and affluent states in South India is 10 times higher than in the poorer states of North India.
According to data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the suicide rate at the national level has decreased in 2016 compared to 2015. The suicide rate was 10.6 per one lakh population in 2015, which has come down to 10.3 per one lakh population in 2016. However, in 2016, the suicide rate in cities was recorded at 13.0 as against the national rate of 10.3.
National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report 'Crime in India-2018' and 'Accidental Death and Suicide Report' were released. According to this report, more than 10,000 students committed suicide in the year 2018, the highest in the last 10 years.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 8 lakh people commit suicide every year worldwide. Accordingly, every 40 seconds a person dies. According to the report of the World Health Organization, suicide rates are among the highest in middle-income countries.
Similarly, according to the NCRB report, in 2016, 11,379 farmers and agricultural laborers committed suicide.
Thus, there is no section of India that is not committing suicide.
Why are they committing suicide?
Each of the sections of India has different causes of suicide. As such, the reason for increasing suicide among the students is the increasing stress on examinations, the increasing pressure of parents for choosing careers and subjects, the response of the neighborhood people regarding the marks obtained in the examinations, limited career options, a high cutoff in higher education institutions.
The main reason for the increasing suicide among the youth is the stress on career, more money and the desire to earn a name, increased involvement in social media, loneliness, unemployment, lack of qualifying work, the impact of video games, etc.
Similarly, gender discrimination, dowry demands, family strife, domestic violence, social media, loneliness, etc. are the major cause of suicide among women.
The reason for the suicide of farmers is due to increasing trade in commercial farming, the inability to get the right price for products, the rising cost of farming, debt, etc.
How to stop suicide?
The responsibility of preventing suicide is the responsibility of the society as well as the government.
First of all, you have to understand that your life is very precious. Your life is not just yours but many other people have happiness with you. There are many such incidents in the world in which many people, after being completely ruined, got their name registered in golden letters in history.
The most prominent name in this is former US President Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln had lost several elections before becoming President. Even his married life was not good. Despite all these problems, he became the President of the United States and he led the American Union at the time of the Civil War and by winning this Civil War, laid the foundation for present powerful America and ended slavery.
Likewise, Thomas Alva Edison made about 1903 inventions in his life in which his most remembered invention is an electrically lit the bulb.
He did not invent all such inventions but did so many inventions with great effort and with hard work. He used to sell vegetables in rail coaches and he also built his own small moving lab in rail coach. Once during the experiment, when the fire broke out in the compartment, he had to give up his work. Despite this, he did not stop inventing and Continually engaged in his inventions and till his death, he did so many inventions.
Similarly, Gandhi had to suffer apartheid in South Africa despite his higher education and he was thrown out of the train compartment with similar reasons yet he did not give up and opposed it in South Africa and Used the teachings of South Africa in the freedom struggle of India and liberated India from the slavery of the British.
Another prominent name in this list is Andrew Carnegie, who donated nearly 90% of his capital to education and research in the US. He was also known as the Steel King of America.
They too fought hard to reach this point. Despite being born in a very poor family, he achieved this position.
All this life character gives us inspiration as to how people achieve success despite troubles in life. Therefore, one should never give up on life.
Society has another responsibility to prevent suicide. A person should never be judged on the basis of his success and failure but should judge on how good he is as a human being and what he is contributing to society.
But the problem is that nowadays society recognizes a person on the basis of his wealth and his position, success, etc. and most of the person who cannot do all this becomes a victim of depression and takes steps like suicide.
The society also has to understand that mental disorder does not just mean insanity and people suffering from mental disorders should not make fun of them, but they should be given support and help.
The government should also appoint doctors in the district and community hospitals for the treatment of mental diseases and try to publicize it with the formulation of policies to eliminate confusion related to mental disorders related diseases among the people. The government should formulate policies that generate maximum employment and people can get jobs to the best of their ability, farmers get the right price for their crops and efforts should be made to reduce the cost of farming.
Higher education institutions that provide world-class education should be established and education should include life values.
In this way, if the person, society, and the government try to remove the causes of suicide, then this mental disorder can be overcome.